Q: What are the different types of NESPA membership? 

A: The NESPA Bargaining Unit includes all employees whose positions are covered by NESPA's contract with District 203. For purposes of Association membership, they can be divided into two groups: 

Full Members: Have the right to run and vote in all NESPA elections and on major actions, such as a strike or approval of a contract. Also receive NEA discounts, NEA Attorney Referral program, representation for labor disputes or workplace issues, (2 free 30-minute sessions in the areas of Wills & Estates, Real Estate, Domestic Relations, Consumer Protection, and/or Traffic Violations, and 30% discount on any further legal counsel), and many other IEA/ NEA Member Benefits. Dependants are eligible for IEA and NESPA scholarships. And, receive an invitation to the NESPA Holiday Party. 

Grandfathered Members: Individuals who have been continuously employed in NESPA Bargaining Unit positions since before NESPA was formed and have never joined. Do not pay any dues. Benefits: Are entitled to representation in case of a job-related problem, and of course, they benefit from NESPA's negotiations with the District. Do not vote. 

Q: What happens to unused personal days? 

A: Personal days that an employee doesn't take convert to sick days at the end of the year, one sick day for each unused personal day. In our new contract, if you do not use both personal days, the next year you will have 3 personal days.  

Q: What happens to unused sick days? 

A: Unused sick days accumulate from year to year.  

By state law, one year's worth (240 days) of unused sick days may be granted as additional service credit with IMRF if you retire from a school district. Unused sick days from more than one school district may be counted toward the 240. The effective date of your IMRF pension must be within 60 days of your last day with the district. 

If you leave the district without retiring and end up retiring from a non-school employer, your unused sick days are lost. 

Q: Can I collect both Social Security and my IMRF pension when I retire? 

A: Yes, absolutely. (This is another popular FALSE rumor, probably stemming from the fact that teachers who pay into TRS (Illinois Teacher Retirement System) do not pay into Social Security and will not collect it. This fact does not apply to IRMF.) 

Q: Is there any way to increase the amount of my pension? 

A: You can make voluntary contributions to your IMRF account above the mandatory amount. 

See the IMRF Website for more information. 

Q: How can I apply to transfer to a different position within District 203? 

A: Go to www.naperville203.org, move your mouse over Human Resources and click the Employment Opportunities link. A new page will open. Scroll down to the Internal Applicants section. 

The NESPA Contract says that "applications will be accepted from personnel who feel they are qualified" and through Labor/Management Meetings with the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources we have encouraged that all employees who express an interest in a posted position be interviewed. That happens most of the time. The Contract also says that "Unsuccessful applicants shall be notified when a position is filled. If requested, an employee shall be granted a meeting with the appropriate supervisor to discuss the reasons for denial of a requested transfer, requested assignment, or requested interview." 

Q: What are my rights if I think an administrator might want to discipline me? 

A: As a union member, you have the right to have a union representative present if an administrator calls you into a meeting that you think might result in disciplinary action against you. This is part of your Weingarten Rights and every employee should know them. Your first union representative would be your building representative, after this, there is either another building rep. from another school/building if not one of them, then Sharon Kurolenko